The I.T.S. Xtreme Live-Fire Fire Extinguisher Training System utilizes patented sensor technology to detect how well a trainee uses the LION SmartExtinguisher training extinguisher. The I.T.S. Xtreme System can sense if the user is properly aiming and sweeping the nozzle of the extinguisher at the base of the fire. The four sensors on the I.T.S. Xtreme unit detect the compressed air and water discharged from the SmartExtinguisher. The on-board control system then varies the flames in response. To successfully extinguish the fire, the trainee must aim and sweep the extinguisher across the base of the fire. If the trainee aims just below, or just above the base, the flames will go down, but will not extinguish. If the trainee only aims at one side of the fire, that side will be extinguished while the other side continues to grow. When using any of the optional props, the system detects which prop is being used, and alters the flame’s behavior in response to the extinguisher to create a more realistic experience.